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If you want to receive the status of the SMS package you have sent in XML format using the POST method of the HTTP protocol, you can follow the guidelines below.

Request URL


Request Body (Body)



The request to the server should be wrapped with the request tag. The definitions of its sub-tags are as follows:


These are the user credentials that need to be sent to authorize the requested operation. Its sub-tags are:

  • key: The API Key that you can create from the settings section after logging into your panel should be written here. It is mandatory to send this when making the request.

  • hash: panelinize giriş yaptıktan sonra ayarlar bölümünden oluşturabileceğiniz API Anahtar ve Gizli Anahtar kullanılarak oluşturulmuş hash bu alana yazılmalıdır. İstek yapılırken gönderilmesi zorunludur.


Contains information about the order whose report will be queried. Its sub-tags are:

  • id: A unique numerical value representing the order. When you make an SMS sending request via the API, it is the id value returned by the server. It is mandatory to send this when making the request.

  • page: Represents the report page. It is not mandatory to send this when making the request. The default value is 1.

  • rowCount: Specifies the number of messages on a report page. It is not mandatory to send this when making the request. The default value is 1000. The maximum value is 1000. If more than 1000 messages were sent in an order, a new request should be made by increasing the value in the page tag.

Sunucu yanıtı



The response from the server is always wrapped with the response tag. The definitions of its sub-tags are as follows:


Contains information about the operation status. The values returned with this tag can also be obtained by looking at the header information of the HTTP response. This tag is returned as standard in every request. Its sub-tags are:

  • code: A numerical value indicating the status of the operation.
  • message: Contains an informational message about the operation status.


If the operation was successfully completed, it contains the order information created. If the operation failed, this tag is not returned. Its sub-tags are:

  • id: A unique numerical value representing the order.

  • status: A numerical value indicating the general sending status of the order. The possible values for this tag and their meanings are listed in the table below.

    Status CodeStatus Message
    113Order is being sent
    114Order has been completed
    115Order could not be sent


    Contains the reported message information. Repeats as many times as the number of messages on the queried page. Its sub-tags are:

    • number: Contains the recipient’s mobile phone number.

    • status: A numerical value indicating the sending status of the message. The possible values for this tag and their meanings are listed in the table below.

      Status CodeStatus Message
      110Message is being sent
      111Message has been sent
      112Message could not be sent

Error Codes

If the request result is negative, the error codes and messages returned by the server are as follows.

400Request could not be parsedOccurs due to an error in the structure of the XML you POSTed. These errors usually result from incorrectly written XML tags, improperly closed XML tags, or the use of a character that can disrupt the structure of the XML without using CDATA.
401Membership information is incorrectWe give this error when we cannot verify the information you sent within the authentication tag in the XML you POSTed. If you have a fixed IP defined on your account and you are making a request from a different IP, you will also receive this error.
404The API does not have the requested methodIf you receive this error, check the address you are requesting again; you may be making a request to an incorrect address.
455Order not foundIf there is no order created with the id you conveyed in the request, or if the order has transitioned from waiting to being sent, you will receive this error.
456The order's sending date has not yet arrivedIf the order created with the id you conveyed in the request is scheduled for a future date and the sending date has not yet arrived, you will receive this error.

Sample Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Sample Successful Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<message>İşlem başarılı</message>

Sample Error Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<message>Sipariş bulunamadı</message>