Status Codes and Messages
Below is a list of responses returned by the İleti Merkezi for API requests.
Status Code | Status Message |
110 | Message is being sent |
111 | Message sent |
112 | Message not sent |
113 | Order is still being sent |
114 | Order completed |
115 | Order not sent |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Request could not be processed |
401 | Membership details incorrect |
402 | Insufficient balance |
404 | API does not support the requested method |
422 | Values in the request could not be validated |
450 | The submitted sender title is not valid |
451 | Duplicate order |
452 | Invalid message recipients |
453 | Order size exceeded |
454 | Message text is empty |
455 | Order not found |
456 | Order sending date has not yet arrived |
457 | Invalid message sending date format |
458 | Invalid date range |
459 | Sender title cannot be empty |
460 | Title must not exceed 11 characters and should not contain Turkish characters |
461 | You cannot leave the group name blank |
462 | You cannot leave the group ID field blank |
463 | No such group found |
464 | Page value must start from 1 |
465 | No person found |
466 | Invalid number |
467 | Document information is missing |
468 | You must configure whether to query via IYS |
469 | You must choose your IYS list: INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE |
470 | You must configure your IYS code |
471 | Search term must be at least 3 characters long |
472 | At least one of the following fields must be filled: first name, last name, mobile phone, email |
473 | No custom field found |
503 | Server temporarily unavailable |