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Send SMS with ASP

To send bulk, single, or OTP SMS from your software developed with ASP, you can use the following code block.

Function POSTHTTPXML(adres, strMesaj)
Set StrHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
StrHTTP.Open "POST" , adres, false
StrHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-type:","text/xml"
StrHTTP.sEnd strMesaj
GETHTTPXML = StrHTTP.Responsetext
Set StrHTTP = Nothing
End Function


xml="<request>" & _
"<authentication>" & _
" <key></key>" & _
" <hash></hash>" & _
"</authentication>" & _
"<order>" & _
" <sender></sender>" & _
" <sendDateTime></sendDateTime>" & _
" <message>" & _
" <text><![CDATA[…]]></text>" & _
" <receipents>" & _
" <number></number>" & _
" </receipents>" & _
" </message>" & _
"</order>" & _

answer = POSTHTTPXML("", xml)
response.write cevap